Trees of green, skies of blue


We spent the afternoon with Velvet Canyon founder Bec Nolan, her three cats and puppy Pony, in a wonderland of plants.

Who lives here?

Myself and my husband Sam, our pup Pony and our three cats, Tika, Barry and Pancho. We also have another pup on the way, Baby – we pick him up in June on my birthday (a happy coincidence)!

How long have you lived in your home?

Six years – we rented for three before buying it. It was a bit stressful when we thought we were going to have to find another rental with all our animals. We were very lucky that we managed to pull it all together and buy the place. My sister recently bought the house next door, which is like a childhood dream come true.

You are the owner and designer behind Velvet Canyon. Your design aesthetic draws inspiration from the 1960s and 1970s, modern but with a timeless aesthetic. Your home reflects this feeling – how would you describe your style?

Our home is definitely inspired by that era – houseplants of course are very 70s and most of our furniture is mid century. It’s my dream to build a mid century modern style house one day!

If your home was a song or an album?

Cat People by David Bowie

Let’s chat plants and all things green. You obviously have a green thumb. Do you have any tips for those of us who can’t keep a plant alive?

There are certain plants that I can’t keep alive no matter what I do. I’ve given up on owning a few of my favourites because they just don’t seem to like my house, or me, for whatever reason. Think about it this way – if you have two plants, and they both die, you’re going to think you have a black thumb. But if you have 100 plants and a few die, well you still have 97 that are happy.
I’ve learned plant care through trial and error. I’ve had plants that have rotted because I over watered, or lost leaves from under watering. Leaves browning from lack of humidity, or getting lanky from lack of light, or burning from too much light. It’s just about finding the perfect spot – most house plants like bright light but little to no direct sun, and to let the soil dry before watering again (but not for too long! I water once a week, twice in summer). This is general and it depends on the type of plant, of course.

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OK – this is embarrassing, but I read once that plants respond well to positive words. So sometimes I tell them I love them. Just sometimes. I do love them!


I’ve learned plant care through trial and error. I’ve had plants that have rotted because I over watered, or lost leaves from under watering. Leaves browning from lack of humidity, or getting lanky from lack of light, or burning from too much light. It’s just about finding the perfect spot – most house plants like bright light but little to no direct sun, and to let the soil dry before watering again (but not for too long! I water once a week, twice in summer). This is general and it depends on the type of plant, of course.

Do you ever talk or sing to your plants?

OK – this is embarrassing, but I read once that plants respond well to positive words. So sometimes I tell them I love them. Just sometimes. I do love them!

It must feel beautiful to have your home grow with you, literally. Does living in this green house inspire your creativity?

I think your environment definitely affects your mood and productivity. My plants bring me so much happiness. When my house is clean I feel calm and clear headed. I think it all plays a part in helping me to feel creative and motivated.

Your favourite spot in your home?

My bed! I can see Mt Chincogan through the window and it has the best light in the house. I also love sitting with my laptop at the dining table looking out onto the garden. But also, the couch ...

What is inspiring you at the moment?

I think a desire for growth, both personally and for my business, is getting me feeling really motivated. Also the change of seasons always has me feeling nostalgic and inspired.

words to inspire–


02. nostalgic

03. je ne sais quoi

04. Calm

05. Vanilla Musk

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Beck Marshall


Lila Theodoros


Bec Nolan
